《He's riding his bikebut it's starting to rain》PPT课件 学习目标 知识目标:一. 句型: 1.Hes riding his bike but its starting to rain. 2.Shes eating dinner but the phone is ringing. 学习目标:听、说、读、写四会词组会用but造句子。 情感目...
《He is playing the suonabut the phone rings》PPT课件3 Revision The balloons ___ ____ ___. The oranges ___ _____. The oranges are falling. He _ ____ _ ___. He is riding a bike. Learning goals 1.掌握本单元的重点词汇、短语及句型。 2.能够进...
《He is playing the suonabut the phone rings》PPT课件2 Lets play. 开火车游戏:前一个同学比上一个同学多说一个单词,直至造出一个合理的句子。 party birthday party a birthday party have a birthday party They are having a birthday party Make p...
《He is playing the suonabut the phone rings》PPT课件 现在进行时态:(表示正在做.) be am +动词ing is are I 用 am,is跟着he/she/it(人名单数)。 1、Lingling is reading a book. 2、Lingling and Amy are reading a book. 学习目标 1、认读并背诵本...
《The apples are falling down the stairs》PPT课件5 Learning goals 1.能够运用英语描述正在发生的事情。 (be + v-ing.) 2.学会用英语向他人求助。 3.学会情态动词can的用法。 Look listen and say. Look at the picture and guess what happened. Play...
《The balloons are flying away》PPT课件5 Game(游戏) I do you say 每组派出三名同学一名同学做动作另外两名同学就第一个同学的表演来创作对话. Lets chant! I like you. You like me. We like apples. We like tea. ... ... ... Learning words ballo...
《The balloons are flying away》PPT课件4 What do you do for your friends birthday? have a birthday party buy a birthday cake supermarket cant carry everything ... ... ... 1.Where is Simons mum? Shes at the supermarket. 2.What is she doing?...
《The balloons are flying away》PPT课件3 Can you read ? pair work: 两人小组读单词两遍,复习单词。 balloon 气球 fly away 飞走 carry 提,搬 supermarket 超市 party 聚会 everything 所有东西 fall 落下,降落 later 稍后 ... ... ... 1.Where is Mu...
《The balloons are flying away》PPT课件2 根据图片回答问题: What is he/she doing? 1.-What is he doing ? - He ______(clean)the blackboard 2.-What is the boy doing ? -He ________(carry) a bag. 3.-What are they doing? -They ____________ 4.-Wh...
《The balloons are flying away》PPT课件 Lets chant! I like you. You like me. We like apples. We like tea. Damings birthday is coming,Simons mother is buying things for Damings birthday party. Then whats happening? Lets see. 1.Where is Si...
《The cows are drinking water》PPT课件5 学习目标: 1.认读单词:cow blow rabbit. 2.熟练运用现在进行时。 Let's chant ! playplayplaying. havehavehaving. jumpjumpjumping. shineshineshining. drinkdrinkdrinking. blowblowblowing. sw...
《The cows are drinking water》PPT课件4 现在进行时:表示现在正在做某事 结构:be(am/is/are)+ 动词ing 动词ing 1.直接+ing: 时间:now send(sending) sing(singing) eat(eating) look(looking) 2.去e +ing: shine(shining) write(writing) come(coming)...
《The cows are drinking water》PPT课件3 Let's chant! run run running jump jump jumping eat eat eating Everyone everyone everyone is laughing Let's chant! Clean clean cleaning Help help helping Shine shine shining Blow blow blowing Drin...
《The cows are drinking water》PPT课件2 Learning goals 1.能够掌握本单元的新单词:cow,blow,rabbit。 2.能够读懂大明写给琳琳的信,读懂诗的意思。 3.能够完成课本上的练习。 4.能够结合具体的语境分角色表演。 New words just [dst] 就,刚才,只是 c...
《The cows are drinking water》PPT课件 New words just [dst] 就,刚才,只是 cow [ka] 奶牛 blow [bl] 吹,刮 rabbit ['rbt]兔子 Look,listen and say. Daming寄了一些照片给Lingling,在照片里,他们去了山里,山里有许多的动物,有的在喝水,有的在唱...
《The sun is shining》PPT课件9 What is the weather like? It is raining. It is rainy. It is snowing. It is snowy It is windy. It is warm. 现在进行时态: 基本形式: be am is +动词ing are 表示正在发生的动作或发生的事情,通常与now连用。 Be动...
《The sun is shining》PPT课件8 学习目标: 1.了解中国的一些地名(Beijing、Hongkong、Harbin、Kunming、Guilin) 2.会用Do you want to .?询问他人的意愿,并表达自己的意愿。 复习导学 : 连一连,读一读! 1.go to Guilin A. 很大很出名 2.very big and...
《The sun is shining》PPT课件7 学习目标: 1 认读单词:shining cry,fly away 。 2 熟练应用现在进行时描述图片并会做检测题。 自学指导一: 请同学们自读part2里的这封信,边读边找出不认识的单词。 3分钟后,比一比谁读的最好! 要求:不会读的单词问老...
《The sun is shining》PPT课件6 学习目标: 1.认读单词:shine funny everyone out of wrong sending shining singing。 2.会熟练应用现在进行时描述图片并会做检测题。 3.熟读课文 In this photo the sun is shining. The birds are singing in the tre...
《The sun is shining》PPT课件5 Dear Lingling How are you? I had a very interesting day on Saturday. We had a picnic in the park . I am sending you some photos. I miss everyone in China. Please write soon. LoveDaming In this photo The sun...