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第一PPT > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 广州版六年级英语下册 >
  • 《I can

    《I can't wait to see you》PPT课件

    《I can't wait to see you》PPT课件 第一部分内容:New words passport ticket airport healthy delicious wine Lets learn Milan is famous for its fashion. My Italian friend told me it is quite healthy. Its easy to travel from Milan to France. I...

  • 《I can

    《I can't wait to see you》PPT

    《I can't wait to see you》PPT 第一部分内容:New words visit excited present famous lake waterfall Lets learn Thanks so much for inviting me. I cant wait to see you. Canada is famous for its natural beauty. I plan to visit Chinatown in Tor...

  • 《Where will you go?》PPT课件

    《Where will you go?》PPT课件

    《Where will you go?》PPT课件 第一部分内容:Lets go travelling! If I can travel abroad, 在外国 I will go to I will choose the USA. I'll go to Washing.D.C. I'd like to visit the White House. Washington D.C. is the capital of America and its...

  • 《Where will you go?》PPT

    《Where will you go?》PPT

    《Where will you go?》PPT 第一部分内容:学习新课 Washington .D.C.华盛顿哥伦比亚区 the capital of America White House(白宫) White House is famous for WashingtonD.C. South Africa I love nature in South Africa. Natural beauty is famous for...

  • 《The magic words》PPT

    《The magic words》PPT

    《The magic words》PPT 第一部分内容:Warming up When you see the word magic (魔术的), what do you think of? Leading in Mr.G lived on a small island. He was in trouble one day. Let's watch the video. What do you learn from the video? It's v...

  • 《It

    《It's the polite thing to do》PPT

    《It's the polite thing to do》PPT 第一部分内容:Look and Say Do you still remember these signs? What do they mean? Dont take photos in the museum. Be quiet in the library. Don't feed the animals in the zoo. Don't eat and drink on the bus....

  • 《Steve Jobs》PPT

    《Steve Jobs》PPT

    《Steve Jobs》PPT 第一部分内容:Introduction Steve Jobs ( 1955-2011 ), inventor, entrepreneur, American co-founder, former CEO of Apple Corp. In 1976 Jobs and friends set up a Apple Com puter Inc, he accompanied the Apple Corp decades of u...

  • 《Dr Sun Yatsen》PPT下载

    《Dr Sun Yatsen》PPT下载

    《Dr Sun Yatsen》PPT下载 第一部分内容:Fun with language 1 Look and find (1)他/她带领人们,并告诉人们该干些什么。 leader (2)她教你新的东西。 teacher (3)她创作或者演奏音乐很好。 musician (4)他在戏剧或电影中表演。 actor (5)他的工作是唱歌。 s...

  • 《Dr Sun Yatsen》PPT课件

    《Dr Sun Yatsen》PPT课件

    《Dr Sun Yatsen》PPT课件 第一部分内容:新课导入 Memory challenge(记忆大挑战)pay attention to these words Dr Sun Yatsen was a famous historical person. He was very important in China. He was the father of ______modern China. He was born i...

  • 《Dr Sun Yatsen》PPT

    《Dr Sun Yatsen》PPT

    《Dr Sun Yatsen》PPT 第一部分内容:新课导入 Ben: What are you reading,Xiaoling? Xiaoling: A book about Dr Sun Yatsen. 本:晓玲,你在看什么书? 晓玲:一本关于孙逸仙博士(孙中山)的书。 Ben: Who is he? Jiamin: Hes a very famous and important...

  • 《We can save the animals》PPT课件

    《We can save the animals》PPT课件

    《We can save the animals》PPT课件 第一部分内容:本课时目标: 掌握四会单词: save, tiger, whale, danger, in danger, disappear, forever, forest, pollute, made, fur 2.学生能听说读以下短语:in danger, cut down the forest , pollute the oceans,...

  • 《We can save the animals》PPT

    《We can save the animals》PPT

    《We can save the animals》PPT 第一部分内容:重点词汇 save 拯救, only唯一的,仅仅, earth地球 , whale鲸 , danger 危险 , disappear 消失, forever永远 , forest森林 , pollute污染 , made(原型make)制造 , fur皮毛 重点词组 in danger处于危险中 mak...

  • 《What animal is it?》PPT

    《What animal is it?》PPT

    《What animal is it?》PPT 第一部分内容:Guess ! Who am I ? It has two strong back legs and can jump very far. It usually has brown or grey hair and it's from Australia. back leg : 后腿 jump far: 跳得远 hair: 毛发 Australia: 澳大利亚 This a...

  • 《Waiting for another hare》PPT

    《Waiting for another hare》PPT

    《Waiting for another hare》PPT 第一部分内容:新课导入 _________(从那时起),the farmer didnt work _________(再). _________ (整天)he sat in the fields and _________ (等候 )a hare to appear. One day, a farmer was working in the field...

  • 《Slow and steady wins the race》PPT课件

    《Slow and steady wins the race》PPT课件

    《Slow and steady wins the race》PPT课件 第一部分内容:Free talk. What are these stories about? The Fox and the Crow The Crow and the Pitcher The Frog in the Well Making His Mark Cao Chong Weights the Elephant The Little Match-Girl ... ......

  • 《Slow and steady wins the race》PPT

    《Slow and steady wins the race》PPT

    《Slow and steady wins the race》PPT 第一部分内容:Free talk. What's this story about ? The Tortoise and the Hare Let's watch. Can you talk about the story? Slow and steady wins the race. One day a tortoise and a hare had a race. The hare...

  • 【目录】广州版六年级英语下册PPT课件



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